Northeast Tree Expert Co. Inc.

Having the right tools always makes the job easier

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A Few Tree Expert tips.

Trees are complex living organisms and Northeast Tree Experts have the expertise to achieve positive results. 

•    Check out the International Society of Arboriculture website

•    Trees need regular care, whether the tree is a young tree that has just been planted or is an existing tree. 

•    Newly planted trees need to be watered well once or twice a week during the growing season. 

•    Annual inspections of your trees should be done to keep them healthier and prune dead and 
     dying branches or remove the tree if required.

•    Your lawn will compete with the trees for available nutrients. The lawn will win out!

•    Lawn mowers and string trimmers damage trees resulting in a slow death to the tree if more than 30 percent of the roots decay!
       These trees are more likely to fall, roots and all.

•    So, trees should be mulched to a depth of 2-3 inches and at least to the tree’s dripline. Mulch volcanoes are very bad for trees since the roots

       will tend to grow into the deep mulch and then dry out during a dry period or drought. This causes the top of the tree to “dieback.”

•    Trees make their own food from the nutrients and water in the soil. Trees do not need to be “fed.” 

•    Trees can be fertilized based on a soil sample.

•    Trees should not be fertilized late in the growing season, since new growth can flush and be  damaged by the cold temperatures. 

•    When choosing a tree to plant, it’s very important to know what kind of tree is good for the location.

•    Never plant trees that will grow tall under power lines!

•    Some questions to think about for new trees include: 
      o    Is the soil where you want to plant the tree frequently flooded when it rains? Or does it drain quickly?
      o    How much space will the tree have to grow? How big will it get?
      o    How much sun will the tree get?
      o    Does the tree have fruit that is large such as acorns (oaks) or “itchy balls” (Sweetgum, London Plane or American Sycamore)

             or small fruit, such as maples (“helicopters”) or Linden?

Not sure what your tree needs, Call Tom, as a certified tree expert (#339) his knowledge, experience and insight can help your decide to save, prune, or take down. You can trust his no-how on what is the best action for tree, home, property and family circumstances.